Научно-исследовательский институт морских систем

Научные статьи, тезисы докладов, другая информация


Шалагинов А.А. и другие. Сильноточный выключатель с композиционными жидкометаллическими контактами на номинальный ток 50 кА. Промышленная энергетика. 2001, № 2




Шалагинов А.А. Исследование состояния и разработка новых экономичных сильноточных контактных систем электролизеров химической промышленности. Промышленная энергетика. 2007, № 8



Шалагинов А.А. Развитие сильноточных контактных систем шунтирующих выключателей для химической промышленности. Промышленная энергетика. 2008, № 7
The International Simposium"Euro-ECO Hannover 2006", thesises of report
UDC 628.543:666.98



Research Institute for Marine Systems, Ltd.,
St. Petersburg, Russia

At present day, due to the increasing volumes of oil products transported, as well as the continuously increasing international circulation of goods and the growing number of ships sailing the world's oceans and seas (taking into account the cost effectiveness and fairly high reliability of maritime transport and the shoreline location of exporting countries), the problem of removing oil spills and other scum or floating debris from the water surface is extremely relevant.
Therefore, to enable more effective pollution removal, larger operating areas, reduced time required for removing contaminants, higher reliability during removing oil spills or floating debris from the water surface, as well as simple mechanization of the appliances used, the present work offers several devices referred to as "apparatuses for removing contaminants from the surface of water". As for the capacity of the apparatuses, it can be said that, all other things being equal, the application of such devices enables more ecologically efficient removal of contaminants from an area of 5 -7 ha, with minimum overhead costs, thereby ensuring not only faster cleanup of water surface, but also thousands of saved marine inhabitants.
The devices are simple in design, easy to manufacture, efficient and reliable during operation and require no special training for the operating personnel.
A few designs of modern devices for removing contaminants from bodies of water are presented in this work.



UDC 621.316.546



Research Institute for Marine Systems, Ltd.,
St. Petersburg, Russia

At present, due to the depletion of the natural resources of silver (generally used for coating contacts in electrical equipment) and the increasing capacities of the power-consuming industries that require more and more heavy-current contact systems (which adds to the shortage of silver), the production of heavy-current contact systems with non-silvered contacts is a live issue.
The present work offers new designs for electrical equipment heavy-current contact systems with non-silvered contacts. For electrical contact connections of a new type, composite liquid-metal contacts are used. Among other things, heavy-current liquid-metal contact systems have a number of advantages, such as lower consumption of liquid metal, considerable energy savings, higher switching capacity, simplified operation of the drive mechanism, and slightly modified constructions as compared with the existing electrical equipment.
The designs of heavy-current contact systems for electrical equipment presented in this work are protected by patents of Russian Federation.



UDC 621.357.1:621.316.53



Research Institute for Marine Systems, Ltd.,
St. Petersburg, Russia

It is well known that such advantages as considerably reduced and stabilized electrical resistance, lower electrical loss, lower contact temperature, as well as more uniform distribution of the current in the intercell busbar contact systems used at chemical plants, are achieved by using conductive lubricants.
At the same time it is known that the contacts of the electrical facilities used in common industrial networks have similar disadvantages. Furthermore, according to the data from All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection (VNIIPO), 50 per cent of fires in industrial premises and housing areas are caused by faulty electrical equipment. And 50 per cent of fires that occur in electrical equipment are due to contact failures. Therefore, for reducing and regulating electrical resistance in any bolted metal contact connections of power or lighting equipment and communication systems, as well as for saving energy to a considerable degree, the SCL-90, SCL-150 and SCL-250 conductive lubricants can be used.
Moreover, using the SCL-90, SCL-150 and SCL-250 conductive lubricants allows: a) increased performance reliability of electrical equipment; b) larger service life of electrical equipment; c) saved money when paying for electrical energy; d) corrosion-resistant and fireproof coating on metal surfaces. Application of SCL-90 (for movable contacts) to "the electrode wheel and contact roller of the machine ensures normal temperature regime of the welding unit in operation and provides overheat control", while "using it in contact blocks of traveling cranes notably reduces contact arcing and, consequently, keeps contacts from burning or sticking in extreme operating regimes, especially during short and frequent start/stop cycles".
Therefore, using conductive lubricants today is a requirement sufficient for effective operation of common industrial networks, as well as those used in housing and non-housing areas.



The International Symposium "Euro-ECO - Hanover 2007" : Environmental

and Engineering Aspects for Sustainable Living 4-5 December 2007.

thesises of report



Research Institute for Marine Systems Ltd.
St. Petersburg, Russia

The aim of the present study is the evaluation of technical condition and development of new economically efficient heavy-current contact systems (HCCS) of electrolyzers in chemical industry.
Evaluation of the technical condition of the HCCS of interpot and angular busbar for electrolyzers has been performed in the electrowinning plants of a number of chemical industrial enterprises by measuring the voltage drop and checking of compliance of the acquired values to the branch standard OST 6-01-39-83 entitled "Electrical Contact Connections of Electrolyzer Busbars in Chemical Industry" and the trade standards. The research has been conducted on HCCSs of electrolyzers type BGK-100 designed for rated current of 100 kA and electrolyzers type BGK-50/25 designed for rated current of 50 kA. Thus, for electrolyzers type BGK-100 with rated current of 100 kA the limit voltage drop value shall equal 33 mV, and for electrolyzers type BGK-50/25 with rated current of 50 kA the limit voltage drop value shall equal 23 mV in compliance with the branch standard OST. All the voltage drop value measurements were taken down into the test record sheets, and the values were used as basis for drawing the characteristic curves for parallel bars of interpot busbar for electrolyzers N as function of voltage drop U. The results of research conducted at chemical enterprises have shown complete noncompliance of the voltage drop on HCCS with the requirements listed in OST. Thus a decision was taken to develop a package of measures aimed at decreasing the voltage drop and its compliance with the OST. The research required selection of several test HCCSs of electrolyzers types BGK-100 and BGK-50/25, part of them compiled to the traditional technology, and another part compiled with diverse improvements, using various conductive pastes and lubricants. HCCS research has been performed in the course of several years, all the measurements were taken down into the test record sheets, and these were used as basis for drawing the characteristic curves for voltage drop U as function of time t. Experimental dependences based on characteristic curves were calculated using least square method; these allow to determine the electrical resistance of HCCS R of the electrolyzers in the given time interval t. The results have shown that the curves acquired match the experimental data.





Research Institute for Marine Systems Ltd.
St. Petersburg, Russia

The aim of the present study is the development of a specialized technology to increase operation reliability of electrical contacts.
It is well known, that in compliance with the data provided by the Fire Safety Research Institute (VNIIPO), 50% of inflammability cases at industrial enterprises and private housing result from faulty electrical installations. At that 50% of fires on electrical equipment are associated with breakage of electrical contacts (EC).
Thus, one of the most facilitated, inexpensive and reliable means for assuring fire safety, provided for application by our company, are the super conductive lubricants SCL-90 (operational temperature 90 degrees С); SCL-150 (150 degrees С); SCL-250 (250 degrees С). The super conductive lubricants (SCL) provide for increase of effective contact surface area to reach its actual size, which provides for significant decrease and stabilization of electrical resistance within a continuous period of time. At that, due to the qualities of the SCL, hermetic quality of the contact connection area is achieved, as well as practically complete restriction of ambient air and penetration of various chemically active elements: chlorine, water, oxygen, etc. As a result growth of extraneous film in the area of the contact connection terminates. Application of SCL to electrical contacts provides for significant decrease and stabilization of electrical resistance, more equal distribution of current over parallel current leads and busses, lower reheat temperature, decreased electricity loss, increased lifetime and time between preventive maintenance inspections and electrical contacts repair operations, as well as assuring of reliable and failure-free operation of the electrical equipment at industrial enterprises.
At the same time, it is necessary to pay due attention to the operational temperature of the electrical contacts while the above listed results need to be acquired, as well as application of SCL in the EC, designed for operational reheat temperatures exceeding the actual reheat temperature of the EC with a margin and further continuous periodic visual check of the EC reheat temperature. The proposed technology increasing reliability of the EC operation completes the required tasks fully and successfully and may be used at industrial enterprises in various branches of industry, also including chemical industry and metallurgy.





Research Institute for Marine Systems Ltd.
St. Petersburg, Russia

The aim of the present study is the development of new designs for heavy-current contact systems (HCCS) with composite liquid-metal contacts (CLMC) for electrical apparatus.
It is well known, that CLMC possess a whole suite of advantages:
" Operational lifetime 3000 - 5000 switch on/off operations (ON - OFF) and more;
" 100% savings on silver;
" Savings on liquid metal;
" Minimum transient resistance;
" Minimum electrical power loss;
" Minimum press force;
" Absence of electrodynamic reject forces;
" Absence of such phenomena, as welding, vibration and sealing of contacts;
" Increased pitch to horizon poorly influences the CLMC resistance;
" Possibility to easily associate with the existing electrical apparatus;
" Easy operation and repair maintenance;
Because of the above, the task of developing new design of HCCS with CLMC for modern electrical apparatus appears to be of high priority. Shalaginov's designs of HCCS Nos. 4 - 7 are presented in the present study. These HCCS designs were developed to ensure further increase in rated current value, decrease of transient resistance, growing reliability, simplified design and longer operational lifetime. In this regard, the electrical contact between the side surfaces of the inner cavities of the fixed bridge and the contact element in these systems is performed in different ways: For HCCS No. 2 this is realized by means of roller contacts and for HCCS No. 5 - via liquid metal, for HCCS No. 6 - by means of flexible metallic bonding, for HCCS No. 7 - by means of flexible metallic bonding and a pressure arrangement, located at a similar side.
Based on the results of the research accomplished these designs of HCCS with CLMC may be recommended for application in electrical apparatus, specified for chemical industry, metallurgy and other segments of industry.





Research Institute for Marine Systems Ltd.
St. Petersburg, Russia

The aim of the present study is the development of an improved design for heavy-current contact systems (HCCS) with composite liquid-metal contacts (CLMC) for electrical apparatus.
It is well known that HCCS with CLMC for electrical apparatus possess a number of advantages which make development of these structures holds great potential and shows up-to-date. Among the advantages: absence of welding, vibration and electrodynamic rejection of contacts, etc. At the same time HCCS with CLMC possess some disadvantages, these being ignored may lead to serious breakdowns of electrical apparatus, especially in critical operational sectors, for instance, as operation of shunting switches at reduction areas of chemical and metallurgical industrial enterprises, where the technological procedure is constant in the course of the year with not halts with maximum rated current value aimed at maximum productivity and gain. Such disadvantages also include relatively low liquid metal solidification temperature measuring to an average of +10 degrees С. Thus, in order for normal and failure free operation of HCCS with CLMC for electrical apparatus to be ensured, improvements are required aimed at, for one thing, start co-functioning with the electrical apparatus at an earlier stage to heat up the liquid metal to operational temperature; secondly, constantly maintain the temperature above solidification temperature level in the course of the operation of the electrical apparatus and possible deenergizing, and, in the third place, depending on the ambient air temperature, adjust and provide possibility of maintaining this temperature within the limits ensuring operational condition of the liquid metal. Besides, electronic gauges to constantly display basic values to the operators are necessary. Among such basic values are the reheat temperature of the CLMC, fixed and movable contacts, cooling liquid at input and output, voltage drop value, and others. All these items shall ensure correct and timely control of operation of the HCCS with CLMC for electrical apparatus simultaneously for compliance with several basic parameters and, thus, make operation failure-free.




Research Institute for Marine Systems Ltd.
St. Petersburg, Russia

The aim of the present study is the investigation of means for improving transient resistance of electrical contacts to improve reliability, simplify operation of the service personnel, and decrease fire safety of electrical equipment at industrial enterprises.
In compliance with the data currently provided by the Fire Safety Research Institute (VNIIPO), 50% of inflammability cases at industrial facilities result from faulty electrical installations. Half of the fires on electrical installations are associated with faults of electrical contacts. Suffice it to say, two largest fires - that of Ostankino television tower in Moscow and Vasilyevskiy Island substation in St. Petersburg - are to a large extent connected to failure of electrical contacts. Interruption of power supply in a number of districts in Moscow is substantially resulting from poor condition of contact connections. In this regard, the task described above is especially crucial today.
The following means for improving transient resistance for fixed and movable electrical contacts are provided by our company:
1. Conductive pastes and lubricants (super conductive lubricant SCL);
2. Composite liquid-metal contacts (CLMC) based on gallium alloy;
3. Specialized pressure arrangements and specialized hold-down nuts;
4. Conductor materials and alloys of the following types:AD, AD0, AD1, AD31T, etc.;
5. Welded and semiwelded contact connections;
6 various types of solder: Hot-dip coating of solder POTS-80 with ultrasound, for solder А
7. Various types of metal coatings: Galvanization, cadmium plating, nickel plating, etc.
8. Various types of contact connections: Hard, flexible, and combined.
9. Use of simplified and reliable means for connecting electrical installations.
These means for improving transient resistance as separate measures, as well as those applied in groups may significantly improve transient resistance and, thus, increase reliability of operation of electrical contacts, simplify operation of service personnel, decrease risks of fire for the electrical equipment at industrial enterprises.





Research Institute for Marine Systems Ltd.
St. Petersburg, Russia

At present the problem of search for stand-alone electrical energy sources is of particular significance. This especially refers to search for alternative power sources: waterborne (rivers, lakes, water reservoirs, the vast of sea and ocean) where standard solutions can not lead to a necessary result due to remote location from coastline, significant depth, unknown sea-floor relief and a number of other factors.
Thus, stand-alone seaborne power plants (SASPP) are offered as an alternative electrical power supply source, where energy of water is used as impellent power to rotate the generators.
SASPP shall be divided into the following groups:
" Surface floating SASPP (SF SASPP);
" Submerged SASPP (Sub SASPP);
" Combined type SASPP (CT SASPP);
SASPP shall also be classified by the way of supplying impellent power providing for rotation of the generators.
" Wave-type SASPP (WT SASPP);
" Deepwater-type (DW SASPP);
" Combined type SASPP (CT SASPP).
SF CT SASPP represent a catamaran ship with generators, main and radial current leads, distribution cabinets and other switching equipment featuring special explosive containment and waterproof implementation to provide for reliable and failure-free power supply to the users. This type of seaborne power plant provides for continuous generation of electrical power both in case of moderate sea disturbance and fully calm sea independently from weather conditions.
The following users of the power energy from SASPP are possible: ships, offshore oil and gas producing enterprising, various seaborne floating and submerged scientific research complexes and a number of other main sea power energy users.

The International Symposium "Euro-ECO - Hanover 2008" :


18-20. November 2008.

thesises of report



Research Institute for Marine Systems ltd.,
St.-Petersburg, Russia

The purpose of the present work lies in working out new designs of high-current contact systems (HCCS) with composite liquid-metal contacts (CLMC) for electric devices.
It is known, that CLMCs possess a great number of advantages:
" operational life - 3000-5000 and even more switch on/switch off operations (on-off);
" 100 % silver save;
" liquid metal save;
" minimum transitive electric resistance,
" minimum losses of electric power,
" minimum pressure force,
" absence of electrodynamic kickback forces,
" absence of such phenomena, as welding overе, vibration and contacts sticking;
" increase in inclination angle relative to horizon does not influences the CLMC resistance greatly;
" easy to use in conjunction with existing electric devices;
" easy to operate and maintain;
Therefore, the problem of working out new designs of HCCS with CLMC for modern electric devices is of especially great importance. In the given work the designs of Shalaginov's HCCSs No. 9 and 10 are presented. These designs of HCCSs have been made to increase rated current value, to reduce surface resistance, to improve reliability, to simplify the design and to increase operational life. Thus, the use of contacting element of composite structure (made of conductor and non-conductor) in HCCS No. 9 has allowed for reducing drive mechanism weight i.e. making it lighter and more durable, accordingly, as well as increasing reliability of switch operation. In HCCS No 10 changes made in the design of contacting element due to the increase of its diameter at a distance equal to a half of the distance between the bottom and top sealing bushes, made it possible to reduce distance between lateral surface of the contacting element and internal cavity of the top fixed contact as well as to fill space between them with liquid metal. As a result, electrical connection has been considerably improved, surface electric resistance has been decreased and electric power losses have been decreased as well. The use of contacting element of composite structure in HCCS No 10 has provided the same advantages, as in the case with HCCS No. 9.
Based on the results of conducted researches, the present HCCSs with CLMCs can be recommended for use in electric devices applied in chemical, metallurgical and a number of other industries.




P. Yu. Burtzev
JSC "Medikon LTD" Moscow, Russia

B. P. Pshenichniy

Interagency Ichthyologic Commission
Moscow, Russia

A. A. Shalaginov

Research Institute for Marine Systems Ltd.
St. Petersburg, Russia

Oil and oil products are the most large scale contaminants for water basins. Over 13 - 14 mln tones of oil products pollute the World Ocean yearly resulting from leakages, oil spills and other accidents. Oil contamination spreads out across the surface of the water basins and forms thin hydrophobic film, which keeps the water environment from free gases interchange with the atmosphere, resulting in negative effect on the living organisms. Due to strong molecular adhesion the oil film is only slightly destroyable and quickly "closes" when its integrity is damaged.
To collect the oil contamination spot from the surface of the water basin, slick bars, specialized oil sweepers, skimmer arrangements, various sorbing agents and germ cultures are used. One of the well-known skimmer arrangements (the Reinverft arrangement) represents a floating submerged chute hopper, out of which the water with oil film supplied from the surface is drained by means of a pump (Nilson-Smith. "Oil and Sea Ecology". Publishing house: Progress. Moscow. 1977). This and other devices feature a certain disadvantage: their complex design and inability to work under conditions of sea disturbance.
We have developed a device intended for collecting oil contamination from water basin surfaces; this device employs renewable energy of the waves for operation (Patent of the Russian Federation, No. 6809) - the water-wave oil skimmer. The device is simple in design. It represents a reservoir open at both ends, its upper part equipped with circular band from the inside; this circular band serves as the mounting seat for a light floating valve.
The reservoir is suspended from a fixed (relative to the waves) base (from the shore or berth) or from a movable base (awash, from a water craft, raft, buoy). When suspending the device both from a fixed base and from the awash foundation, the upper edge of the reservoir crosses the water boundary, covered with oil film, and appears now under the water and then above the water surface.
The device intended for collecting oil contamination from the water basin surface operates in the following manner. The device is placed in the water at the site where the oil contamination has spread, the upper edge of the reservoir is submerged into water, the floating valve presses against the circular band and closes the reservoir. The oil film destroyed while the device is being installed, recovers its integrity, closing above the reservoir. When the upper edge of the reservoir appears above the water basin surface, the valve affected by gravity departs from the circular band thus performing the opening action, and the water with the oil contamination spot enters the reservoir.
Light crude oil appears in the upper part of the reservoir under the valve, and the heavier water is released through the lower end of the reservoir. When the upper end of the reservoir submerges under the water surface again, the valve is pressed against the circular band again, closing the reservoir opening, not allowing the lighter oil to leave the reservoir. The oil film above the reservoir closes up again. When the reservoir lifts up above water surface again, the valve opens and the oil contamination spot enters the reservoir and is accumulated in its upper part under the valve; the water supplied from the surface is released through the lower end of the reservoir.
Multiple crossing action of the water boundary up and downwards allows the reservoir to collect the oil contamination. Given the period of wave, oil film thickness and volume of the reservoir one can calculate the time required to fill the reservoir with oil contamination and take timely actions to drain it by means of a pump into a special tank.
When the operation is complete, the device may be moved to another operation spot.
The water-wave oil skimmer may be used to collect oil contaminations both at sites, where such contamination is continuously supplied into the water basin (in ports, bulk plants), and in open water areas. The device may also be used to collect both the oil contamination and the floating wastes from the surface of the water basin. The device can also be used to collect the sorbent from the water surface, where it has been diffused for oil gathering.
Prototypes of the water-wave oil skimmer have been tested under laboratory conditions for proper operation. Our calculations have shown that the oil skimmer device with a reservoir 1 meter in diameter is capable of collecting oil contamination spot 3-4 ha in size within 24 hours




K.K. Kim, G. L. Spichkin

Petersburg State Transport University,
St. Petersburg, Russia

A.A. Shalaginov

Research Institute for Marine Systems Ltd.
St. Petersburg, Russia

It is known, that at manufacturing electronic devices the requirements to cleanliness and structure of surfaces of the used materials are of great importance. The authors have suggested a peculiar technique of surface treatment of various materials, used in microcircuits, in the volume-type gas-discharge reactor, which essence is in the fact that low temperature gas-discharge plasma there is generation of electrons, ions, active nuclear particles and radicals that can react with molecules of impurities or parent material on its surface. Besides, molecules of the material surface layer are exposed to ultra-violet (UV) and soft x-ray radiations generated in a discharge cathodic layer.
For further metallization (Сr (0.1 ?m) - Сu (5.0 ?m)) and manufacturing microcircuits according to the developed engineering procedure, treatment of polished substrate wafers made of polycrystalline aluminum oxide (polycor ЩЕ 0.78.000Specs) was conducted. The adhesion value has made up (140-150) ?105 Pa that corresponds to cuprum films adhesion values to wafers, cleaned according to standard technique by boiling in peroxide-ammonia solution. The value is considered to be sufficient for cuprum films use when manufacturing microcircuits.
For further microwelding of golden tracks correspondent treatment of microcircuits contact pads, coated with a layer of metal (Сr (0.1 ?m) - Сu (5.0 ?m) - Au (2.0 ?m), was conducted. Contact damage of the microcircuits treated in capacity-type discharge occurred due to the rupture of golden tracks. On welding spots there remained residue of the golden tracks.
Prior to gluing, surfaces of elements made of fluorine plastic were cleaned. It is known that unactivated fluorine plastic does not glue. The fluorine plastic was glued to yellow metal having electroplated coating of nickel, and stannum and bismuth. During the gluing the use was made of glue ВГ-25-200 with no filler. Tear-apart tests conducted showed that the strength limit of the adhesive joint for fluorine plastic treated in a special chamber by pulse volume-type discharge of capacity-type made up 25 kg/cm2. The main advantages of the procedure are ecological cleanness and low price.
Besides, in reactors experiments on application of low-temperature gas-discharge plasma of barrier discharge in the air in various technologies were performed:
" for treatment of carbon fibers for the purpose of improvement of their adhesion to binding medium (epoxy compounds);
" for disinfection and sterilization of documents on thin paper medium;
" for treatment of glasses before their tinting and so on;
" for 2-2.5 times increase in wettability of samples of thin microporous structures (PVC porous sheet, thin paper etc.).



K.K. Kim, S.L. Kolesov

Petersburg State Transport University,
St. Petersburg, Russia

A.A. Shalaginov

Research Institute for Marine Systems Ltd.
St. Petersburg, Russia

In the world a considerable quantity of electromechanical converters of energy with systems of sliding current collector device (SSC) is produced now. The most widespread kind of an electrical sliding contact is a pair of -friction (either a brush- collector or a brush-contact ring). Therefore there is an acute problem of reducing the wear of brushes in driving sliding contacts. The wear of collectors and rings is tar less than electrical brushes. There are various methods of reducing the wear. For example, the use of rigid lubricants with double sulfide of molybdenum is considered one of the most effective methods. However while using SSC it is necessary to take into account not only physical-chemical but also electrical singularities of covers of double sulfide of molybdenum. Known researches were mainly directed to bring lubricants into the element composition of a pair of friction.
In this direction SSC frequently work at the effect of an electrical arc (sparking) and local dot overheatings, that direction is not perspective. The authors comprehensively investigated and worked out the lubricant with double sulfide of molybdenum in the form of a brick of rigid lubricant set on the contact track as an additional brush located separately from the working brush.
The application of this engineering solution on air starter-generators by power of 12 KW allowed for reducing the wear of metal-graphite brushes in a starter regime by 2.5 times.
The use of additional brushes with the double sulfide of molybdenum in the collector electric motor (AC) by power of 150 W which is used to drive a household pump, apart from reducing the wear of metal-graphite brushes by 30-50% resulted in a drop of a sparking level by 1/2 numbers.
The application of an additional double sulfide of molybdenum brush in the collector motor of an alternating current by power 1.2 KW resulted in reducing the wear of working brushes by 30-70% At the same time reducing of a local of radio noise by 12-20 dB at the frequencies of 6-30 MHz happened too. The application of double sulfide of molybdenum in SSC of asynchronous electric motors with a phase by at rotor let reduce the wear of brushes by 2-3 times nominal loads. In this case, the spectrum of upper harmonics induced in the rotor essentially reduced.
As the results of these investigations the mathematical models permitting to predict the wear of electrobrushes at application of double sulfide of molybdenum have been composed.

Das Internationale Symposium "Euro-ECO - Hanover 2011" :


21-22. November 2008.

thesises of report


V.L. Belyaev, A.A. Shalaginov

North-West State Open Technical University
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The work is devoted to the research of heavy-current contact systems (HCS) used at electrolyzed enterprises of chemical and metallurgical industries.
The purpose of the future work is to make the construction simpler to economize materials and non-ferrous metals to make the transition resistance lower and more stable and to economize electrical energy at bus arrangements of electrolysis units of the following types BGK-100, DM-100, BGK-50/25, KB.10.86 and others.
The heavy-current contact systems are represented by single copper or aluminum busses being the main part of bus arrangements of electrolysis units which consist of anode connection of the electrolysis unit, HCS and cathode terminal of the next electrolysis unit.
Due to usage of conductive pastes and lubricants in the HCS joints with anode and cathode terminals as well as due to increase of contact area and insulation zone of the entire contact from the surrounding space, transition resistance is not increasing and the initial minimum value of the transition resistance is preserved for a long time.
In addition to that the modernized HCS system has been developed and adopted which possesses the lower number of parallel buses of bigger cross section. This property has given the possibility to reduce the heat losses in the HCS system.
The technical and economic advantage is determined by the economy of non-ferrous metals by means of reducing the number of copper buses from 20 standard copper items with the cross-section 120 х 12 mm2, which are located in couples one over the other up to 10 single copper buses of the bigger cross-section which are located nearby with the cross-section 120 х 18 mm2, and reduction and stabilization of the transition resistance due to the usage of conductive pastes and lubricants.




B.P. Pshenichniy
FSI "Interdepartmental Commission of Ichthyology"
Moscow, Russia
A. A. Shalaginov
Research Institute for Marine Systems Ltd.
St. Petersburg, Russia

Collection of oil spilled over the water surface becomes a major issue to be resolved. Most of the existing devices intended for collection of oil spills from water (skimmers) are mechanical or electric pumps for operation of which the traditional energy sources are required. Such devices are usually expensive, bulky, require constant maintenance, communications supply and may not be quickly delivered to the site of an oil spill and used along the coasts in shallow areas.
We have developed a device that uses the energy of the surface waves of water bodies to collect oil spills from water (RF patent No. 6809). The unit is a tank opened at both ends with a circular rim at the upper end to which the floating valve of spherical shape is connected. The tank is suspended from the sides of the subjects swaying on the waves (from a boat, raft, etc.) or from fixed ones (from a pier, berth). When moving up and down on the waves the upper edge of the device's tank periodically crosses the water edge - goes over the surface of the tank and then dips into the water. Following up and down movements of the tank, the floating valve opens the tank allowing oil pollution from the water surface to enter into it, then it closes the tank and prevents contamination of leakage from the tank to the surface. The water that entered into the tank together with oil contamination from the water surface, is poured over the lower edge of the tank, and the oil pollution is accumulated under the floating valve.
In order to improve the design, we have developed devices characterized by the presence of rails inside the tank (RF patent No. 77 297), ensuring smooth running of floating valve and its close fit to the seat, preventing distortions of the valve and the possibility its sticking, and by presence of viewing windows (RF patent No. 76 349), allowing for visual control over filling of the tank with oil pollution.
Another our device has a floating valve with a hole in the center, which is closed with screw cup (RF patent No. 76 350), which is designed to pump the oil pollution tank into any floating vessel. It is proposed to install sensors on the inner wall of the tank in our next device in order to transmit the information about filling of the tank and the need to pump the oil pollution out of it (RF patent No. 90 807).
To increase the area of collection of oil pollution, it is proposed to equip the tank of other device for the collection of oil pollution with ring bell mouth (RF patent No. 89 537), which allows to increase productivity by 10-20%.
We have developed another device for collecting oil pollution from the surface of water bodies that also uses the wave energy, the tank of which is retained on the surface of the water reservoir by floating belt (RF patent No. 81 970). The advantage of this device is that it should not be hung from any subject. Such a device could be "thrown" in the oil spill, for example, from a ship or helicopter.
All of the above devices are simple in design, do not require traditional energy sources, and require no maintenance and communications; besides, they do not pollute the environment. They can be used to collect the oil pollution and floating debris from water, as well as to collect the sorbents used to eliminate contaminants. Such devices can be used on the high seas and in the coastal areas, in shallow waters, at ports and at the tank farms.




A. A. Shalaginov
Research Institute for Marine Systems Ltd.
St. Petersburg, Russia

The aim of the present study is the development of new designs for heavy-current contact systems (HCS) with composite liquid-metal contacts (CLC) for electrical apparatuses.
It is known, that CLCs possess a great number of advantages:
" operational life - 3000-5000 and even more switch on/switch off operations (on-off);
" 100% savings on silver;
" Savings on liquid metal;
" Minimum transient resistance,
" Minimum electrical power loss,
" Minimum press force,
" Absence of electrodynamic kickback forces,
" Absence of such phenomena, as welding, vibration and sealing of contacts;
" Increase in inclination angle relative to horizon does not influences the CLC resistance greatly;
" Easy to use in conjunction with existing electrical apparatus;
" Easy to operate and maintain; Because of the above, the task of developing new design of HCS with CLC for modern electrical apparatus appears to be of high priority. Shalaginov's designs of HCS Nos. 4 - 6 are presented in the present study. These HCS designs were developed to ensure further increase in rated current value, decrease of transient resistance, growing reliability, simplified design and longer operational lifetime. In this regard, the electrical contact between the side surfaces of the inner cavities of the fixed bridge and the contact element in these systems is performed in different ways: For HCS No. 4 this is realized by means of roller contacts and for HCS No. 5 - via liquid metal, for HCS No. 6 - by means of flexible metallic bonding. Based on the results of the research accomplished these designs of HCS with CLC may be recommended for application in electrical apparatus, specified for chemical industry, metallurgy and other segments of industry. This year we received three new patents for utility models. It Russian patent № 105 069 heavy-current contact system № 4 Shalaginov; Russian patent № 105 070 heavy-current contact system № 5 Shalaginov and Russian patent № 102 841 heavy-current contact system № 6 Shalaginov.




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